
Taro Coconut Black Rice Dessert

On a cold winter’s night, I crave a big bowl of taro coconut black rice dessert. The creamy taro and coconut milk flavor is a traditional Asian combination and is one which…

Coco Melon Sago

This is a popular dessert at restaurants but this version uses cooked melon. The cooked melon guarantees sweetness in every bite and flavors the soup base. By accident, I bought an unripe…

Pancake Waffles

On Saturdays, we eat a big breakfast together as a family. I’ve been using this recipe for pancakes on rotation every other weekend. Suddenly, one Saturday, my oldest requested waffles. I don’t…

Dark Chocolate Lava Cake

Dark chocolate is the only type of chocolate I eat. I’d rather use up my daily sugar intake on a good piece of chocolate than any other candy. My kids settle for…

Mini Coconut Tarts

This was one of the first recipes that my son helped make. He actually isn’t a huge fan of coconuts, but because he helped make them, he had to have two of…

Papaya White Fungus Dessert

When my throat feels dry after talking too much, this is my go-to dessert. The sweetness of this dessert soothes my throat and I feel I can sing again! Ingredients: 4 cups…

Mini Mango Tarts

Did you cut into a mango that was a little too sour for your taste? Try this mango tart recipe which will sweeten your sour mangoes into a delicious and shareable dessert.…

Basic Crepe

Whenever I used to think of crepes, I always thought of a fancy dessert. When I visited France pre-covid days, I was happy to discover people ate crepes with savory fillings for…

Simple Chocolate Sauce

This is a versatile chocolate sauce that can be used to dip strawberries (my family’s all time favorite snack), drizzle over pancakes, waffles, crepes or ice cream. This sauce can be stored…

Quick Fruit Compote

Since fresh fruits are so expensive in the winter time, it is more economical to buy frozen. This quick compote can be made from practically any precut frozen fruit. Our family favorite…

Chocolate “Tong Yuan”

My oldest son asked me out of the blue: “Mama, can you make that dessert again? It’s these balls that are chewy on the outside but got chocolate inside?” He was referring…

Sweet Peanut Dumplings

This sweet and flaky peanut filled dumpling is more well known as “gok jai”. It is my childhood favorite from Chinese New Year celebrations. I don’t know why grocery stores don’t sell…

Taro Coconut Sago

This is one of my favorite desserts. I consider this a comfort food because it is creamy and very filling. On a rainy day, I would crave this sweet dessert as a…

“Camera Film” Dim Sum

My boys won’t ever fully comprehend what “camera films” are. The responsibility involved in safeguarding a roll of camera film from being exposed to light, is a huge stress. All the precious…

Baked Spring Rolls

My boys can never turn away from anything crispy. This is an easy way to sneak in meat and veggies into one meal. Baking a large batch decreases cooking time and baking…